Hello, here is an update from SSTX team. We have been working silently mostly on property holders and the academy.

13 Mar 2023, 23:19
Hello, here is an update from SSTX team. We have been working silently mostly on property holders and the academy. Next week we are about to launch the academy through our TikTok, to vicente's 61k+ followers with the first courses on how to manage properties with a short term rental strategy. We will start our learn to earn system, so people get sstx for finishing the courses. This way we continue to introduce SSTX to a new group of people interested in hard assets, but this time through properties. Also we got our second property last week for the Property Holders platform, and we have been full with putting it together. So currently we are managing two properties in south Florida and the projections so far are very good. We will test these properties and expand the property management side to the business for the rest of the year until we're confident in the projections for south florida before allowing outside investors in. We want the property to be a stable investment with a stable steady revenue and then we will be ready to offer it into smaller fractionalized pieces. Here is the first property which is beating our projections in its first months. It is currently bringing in $6k+ on the first month. After this we are targeting between $5.5-$7k every month, with the strategy of renting the whole house. Here is the second property. On this one, since it's a bigger house we decided to offer the house by rooms. We just opened last week and we are targeting on this one between $9k-$11k. In both cases, the house will be under Property Holders management and when we are ready to purchase properties and put it on the platform we will do a public sale into pieces. We removed the NFT sale from silverbackcity.io because it wasn't clear what you were getting from the NFT, so we are going to start selling them inside the academy and property holders platform, so people can understand the value and the correlation with the platforms. People that already bought the NFT, will have acces to the academy and the private sale (only for holders) of the properties. As far marketing goes, Tiktok is doing pretty well with more than 61k followers, people are waiting on the academy asking for our courses, so as soon as the academy is out we will start promoting SSTX again inside the platform and the same thing for Property Holders, when people start being able to buy pieces of houses with SSTX. Honestly the market looks scary, a large bank in Silicone Valley just went bankrupt on Friday and will see the consequences soon. So we need to sit tight, keep hanging on there with the development and don't waste any money unnecessary, because we don't know how hard the economy can go down. At least we know we keep hitting the right business models with precious metals, properties and education, because they are pretty safe bets.